
Joined on: Oct 27, 2012
Last Seen: 2269 days ago
Shop: The Pixel Emporium

User's Adoptables


*floomph**floomph* *bloop**bloop* Occult TerrorOccult Terror Leetle Big LDRLeetle Big LDR


Wings of ChristmasWings of Christmas Cave DecorCave Decor It's a .gif Box!It's a .gif Box! Mwa!Mwa! Striped JoyStriped Joy Silent NightSilent Night The Ears go First!The Ears go First!


Not in crueltyNot in cruelty Not in wrathNot in wrath The Reaper came t...The Reaper came t... An Angel visited ...An Angel visited ... And took the cube...And took the cube... LamarrLamarr Power eternal!Power eternal! I choose you!I choose you! RythianRythian Sic 'em!Sic 'em! Aim For the Back ...Aim For the Back ... Excellent FormationExcellent Formation C'mon, Stop Runni...C'mon, Stop Runni... Source of IncomeSource of Income


Web of PiesWeb of Pies Yup, It's a MothYup, It's a Moth Ok, not so toothl...Ok, not so toothl... Ah, The Welsh GreenAh, The Welsh Green Aww Look at This ...Aww Look at This ... Pretty CreaturePretty Creature Step CarefullyStep Carefully Unbelieveab"owl"Unbelieveab"owl" Fluffy...For NowFluffy...For Now SuzySuzy I Didn't Say That...I Didn't Say That...

Sci Fi

His NoodlinessHis Noodliness The Angels Have t...The Angels Have t... You're Scottish, ...You're Scottish, ... What a View!What a View! Leetle Data MatrixLeetle Data Matrix


Soup EnablerSoup Enabler Resist...Resist... I'm Saved!I'm Saved! Don't Crack, Don'...Don't Crack, Don'...

Pretty Things

The Great Legend!The Great Legend! Needs a Good Polish!Needs a Good Polish! *creak* Whoosh! *...*creak* Whoosh! *...

User's Adoptables

Leetle Autumn Tree SwingLeetle Autumn Tree Swing Leetle LadleLeetle Ladle Leetle HeadcrabLeetle Headcrab Leetle MistletoeLeetle Mistletoe Leetle Blue Ocean SlugLeetle Blue Ocean Slug Leetle CthulhuLeetle Cthulhu