
Joined on: Apr 15, 2011
Last Seen: 4745 days ago
Shop: The Takeout Box

User's Adoptables


Bop-BopBop-Bop Leetle Portal DeviceLeetle Portal Device NYANNYANNYANNYANN...NYANNYANNYANNYANN... Leetle Valentine CakeLeetle Valentine Cake Leetle Glass of MilkLeetle Glass of Milk Leetle Empty GlassLeetle Empty Glass RIP Steve JobsRIP Steve Jobs O leetle tree...O leetle tree... Leetle iPod Nano ColorsLeetle iPod Nano Colors Leetle iPod Nano Black and WhiteLeetle iPod Nano Black and White Glowing ninja sta...Glowing ninja sta... Leetle SquirrelLeetle Squirrel I. AM. NOT. A. MO...I. AM. NOT. A. MO... I am an artistI am an artist Now I need a loan...Now I need a loan... BACONBACON DustyDusty Apple iPadApple iPad Blue screen of deathBlue screen of death


Microsoft Windows XPMicrosoft Windows XP Mac OS XMac OS X Linux SlackwareLinux Slackware

Random things

It was broken whe...It was broken whe... Where's the pot o...Where's the pot o... You win the gameYou win the game ConstructionConstruction

User's Adoptables

Leetle AppleLeetle Apple Leetle Portal DeviceLeetle Portal Device Leetle Nyan CatLeetle Nyan Cat Leetle iPod Nano ColorsLeetle iPod Nano Colors Leetle iPod Nano Black and WhiteLeetle iPod Nano Black and White Leetle Wonton Star LogoLeetle Wonton Star Logo