
Joined on: May 05, 2009
Last Seen: 5350 days ago
Shop: Nintendogs4ever's Shop of Puppies

User's Adoptables


:D:D Lucky CatLucky Cat DNA2DNA2 I can't wait to b...I can't wait to b... I♥UI♥U Ocarina of TimeOcarina of Time Kaepora GaeboraKaepora Gaebora Puff the Magic Dr...Puff the Magic Dr... Dying Gaming Hard...Dying Gaming Hard... RollRoll OuroborosOuroboros HedgehogHedgehog Leetle Krishna DragonLeetle Krishna Dragon Leetle Pumpkin DragonLeetle Pumpkin Dragon Leetle Japando 64 ControlLeetle Japando 64 Control OnigiriOnigiri MaoMao ManhattanManhattan GarrettGarrett FyafawxFyafawx Boss KeyBoss Key NaviNavi TabuuTabuu Leetle PeppermintLeetle Peppermint DaisyDaisy GoldieGoldie Master BelchMaster Belch GLaDOSGLaDOS LeafeonLeafeon TelevisionTelevision Fruits BasketFruits Basket Epona evolved in ...Epona evolved in ... WORK L BUTTON WOR...WORK L BUTTON WOR...

User's Adoptables

Leetle Golden RetrieverLeetle Golden Retriever Leetle Fruit BowlLeetle Fruit Bowl Leetle OcarinaLeetle Ocarina Leetle CheezburgerLeetle Cheezburger