
Joined on: Nov 11, 2009
Last Seen: 2565 days ago

User's Adoptables


Leetle Autumn Tree SwingLeetle Autumn Tree Swing Leetle Glowing Ice CrystalLeetle Glowing Ice Crystal Leetle Death of RatsLeetle Death of Rats Leetle Blue PixieLeetle Blue Pixie


Leetle Security DroneLeetle Security Drone Leetle Orange ApertureLeetle Orange Aperture Leetle Blue ApertureLeetle Blue Aperture Leetle Accompaniment CrateLeetle Accompaniment Crate

Moths and Butterflies

Leetle Luna MothLeetle Luna Moth Leetle Sunset MothLeetle Sunset Moth Leetle Sunset MothLeetle Sunset Moth Leetle Monarch ButterflyLeetle Monarch Butterfly Leetle Great Purple Emperor ButterflyLeetle Great Purple Emperor Butterfly Leetle Agrias beatificaLeetle Agrias beatifica Leetle Rhetus perianderLeetle Rhetus periander Leetle Zodiac mothLeetle Zodiac moth Leetle Paradise BirdwingLeetle Paradise Birdwing Leetle Red PierrotLeetle Red Pierrot


Leetle Pumpkin DragonLeetle Pumpkin Dragon Leetle Jewel DragonLeetle Jewel Dragon Leetle Marble AmphithereLeetle Marble Amphithere Leetle Jade EasternLeetle Jade Eastern Leetle Garnet DragonLeetle Garnet Dragon Leetle Turquoise SeaserpentLeetle Turquoise Seaserpent Leetle ToothlessLeetle Toothless Leetle Green DragonLeetle Green Dragon Leetle Green Pygmy DragonLeetle Green Pygmy Dragon Leetle Sleepy Rainbow DragonLeetle Sleepy Rainbow Dragon Leetle Origami Dragon v2Leetle Origami Dragon v2


Leetle KodamaLeetle Kodama Leetle Forest SpiritLeetle Forest Spirit Leetle Chibi Forest SpiritLeetle Chibi Forest Spirit Leetle Soot SpiritLeetle Soot Spirit


Leetle BulballLeetle Bulball Leetle CharballLeetle Charball Leetle SquirtballLeetle Squirtball Leetle PikaBallLeetle PikaBall Leetle RattballLeetle Rattball Leetle Mudkip PokeballLeetle Mudkip Pokeball Leetle Pea-ca-chooLeetle Pea-ca-choo

Valentines Day

Leetle Bleeding HeartLeetle Bleeding Heart Leetle Sierpinski ValentineLeetle Sierpinski Valentine


Leetle Guardian PumpkinLeetle Guardian Pumpkin Leetle Pumpkin Patch StrollLeetle Pumpkin Patch Stroll Leetle Cemetary StickerLeetle Cemetary Sticker Leetle Spooky TreeLeetle Spooky Tree Leetle BattyLeetle Batty


Leetle TreeLeetle Tree Leetle MistletoeLeetle Mistletoe Leetle Melty SnowmanLeetle Melty Snowman


Leetle Blue Ocean SlugLeetle Blue Ocean Slug Leetle Pot Bellied SeahorseLeetle Pot Bellied Seahorse Leetle Red SalamamderLeetle Red Salamamder Leetle FrogLeetle Frog Leetle Marvelous SpatuletailLeetle Marvelous Spatuletail